Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Key Ingredient: Hyaluronic Acid

A lot of people wonder what they truly need in their skin care regime. Whether you have a dry, oily, combination, sensitivity, acne etc. skin type,  this is a key feature you need need need

Hyaluronic Acid!
Sounds scary, huh?

Dictionary Definition:
noun Biochemistry
a mucopolysaccharide in serving as a viscous medium 
in the tissues of the body and as a lubricant in joints.

I know what you are thinking, what is she talking about?!
But...  Keep reading!

Hyaluronic Acid is actually already found in your body. It is a major water binding component that helps lock in moisture and product to your skin, way beyond its own weight! You may think all your product gets into your skin, but if you think about it, all of it is just washed away and only a little is actually kept :( Hyaluronic Acid may not be a miracle product but it sure does help! I would not suggest ingesting medication of this unless prescribed, but keep it in your head when you are thinking about skin care! I sell pevoniaTM  at my shop and many of the products has this ingredient in them, and I must say they are amazing. 

Enjoy! Cheryl 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DIY: Anti-Aging Serum/Mask!

Has your skin seen better days? Have you lost those elastin fibers that keep wrinkles & fine lines from creeping up on you? I have the perfect "Do it Yourself" mask for you to make right at home for a quick pick-me-up! Stay tuned for more great tips, tricks, and skin information!

Easy as 1 2 3!

1 Tablespoon of Honey (Preferably organic)
2 Teaspoons of Orange Juice (Preferably organic)

Leave on 10-15 minutes.

Orange juice contains Vitamin C, one of the best anti-aging vitamins! Vitamin C enhances the collagen production and can take away hyper-pigmentation.

Honey is an amazing antiseptic and cleanser of the skin.

Enjoy! Cheryl